Avellino - Medioevo
Antiche chiese e monasteri
Economia e Demografia


I started writing this book by chance, as my curiosity had been stimulated by an apparent "oversight" contained in a booklet concerning a small religious structure which had been discovered on the plateau of the Castle, as you will read in the pages devoted to the Church of St. Peter the Apostle. After an initial investigation in order to refute the hasty (and proved incorrect) assertions regarding the above Chapel, my "appetite came eating ....."

So, being interested in the history of Irpinia in general and Avelino in particular, in the past, first simply because of my curiosity and to create some web sites, then as the President of the Our Irpinia Association, this book provided an opportunity to bridge the gaps that I personally had about the history of my City, at the same time, allowing me to verify some (serious) mistakes that even talented historians (Pionati, Carpentieri, Scandone, Mongelli, Tropeano and others) had made in dealing with Lombard and post-Lombard Avellino.

The medieval origins of Avellino are still shrouded in "thick fog" and no document has been found that clearly witnesses its birth. This book does not aim to solve this dilemma, but it is intended to check "step by step" as the map of the medieval Avellino could have been in the first period, during the Lombard, the Norman and the Svevian dominations (although the book goes far beyond those periods of time, with reference to various objects of investigation).

The hypothesised medieval map of Avellino is shown at the end of the book, by putting together the "pieces of the puzzle".


Table of contents (Italian) - PDF (123 KB)